• How Much “Private Care” can Healthcare Tolerate

    Willy Heuschen EAHM Secretary-General Editor-in-Chief Shortly after the closing of the European Commission’s consultation on the EU Health programme 2007-2013, Commissioner M. Kyprianou announced in the press that he would propose a Directive aiming to standardise crossborder healthcare services by the end...

  • EAHM

    EAHM Adopts Position Paper as Part of EU Consultation on Cross-Border Health Services Meeting on 15 December 2006, the EAHM board agreed the Association’s official position as part of the European Commission’s consultation exercise on cross-border health services. The paper’s key elements include a call for the introduction of a Europe-wide...

  • Europe

    The German government is making its contribution during its EU presidency to the European Commission’s plans to draw up a clear strategy for the health sector. To enable as many views as possible to be injected into the debate, it organised a two-day conference on “The social dimension in the internal market – Perspectives of healthcare in Europe”...

  • Members

    Austria Austrian Congress for Hospital Management 2007 The successful Austrian Congress for Hospital Management (see last Congress www.ovkd.at/ archiv.htm) will take place for the 51 st time from 14 - 16 May 2007 in Krems an der Donau (Lower Austria).   The main theme will be “How much ‘private’ can healthcare tolerate?”...

  • Preventing Burnout in Healthcare

    Author: Eva Hokenbeker Dipl. Pflegewirtin (FH) Lippetal-Herzfeld, Germany E-mail: [email protected]   This article is based on paper delivered at the Münchener Pflegekongress 2006. For more information on the Congress, see: http://www.pflegekongress-muenchen.de/ The German health system has been undergoing...

  • The New Martini Hospital Groningen

    Authors: Jack G.A.M. Thiadens M.D., LL.M. CEO Martini Teaching Hospital Groningen Rutger J. Kriek C.E. Project Manager constructions AT-Osborne Gerrit H. Afink C.E. Managing Director AT-Osborne, project management Arnold C.M. Burger C.E., architect Burger-Grunstra architects...

  • Leading the Laparoscopic Revolution 30

    Author: Tan Arulampalam Laparoscopic Surgeon,Colchester General Hospital Essex, United Kingdom E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.colchesterlaparoscopic.com The ICENI Centre, part of Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust, has an international reputation as a centre of excellence in laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery....

  • There is Something in Hospital Air

    Author: Mart Geraerts Senior Consultant: Indoor Air Quality in Medical Facilities Economist: Walsberghe nv - Europe E-mail: [email protected] It is a known fact that tuberculosis, aspergillus, chicken pox, measles and MRSA-containing particles float around in the indoor air of most hospitals. Numerous publications on...

  • Innovative Framework of Medical Services Management in Greece

    Author: Athanassios K. Papamichos OT, MSc President and CEO, Health Units S.A. E-mail: [email protected] During recent years, there has been a growing interest in reforming healthcare systems worldwide. Countries of all economic development levels are looking for creative ways to organise and finance healthcare in such...

  • EAHM

    EAHM Advocates More Influence for Health Service Managers The EAHM has responded to the European Commission’s health and consumer protection programme 2007-2013.   The Community action programme in the area of health and consumer protection, which will run from 1 January 2007 until 31 December 2013, replaces the current programme in...

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