• A Health Economy as Opposed to a Health System

    An ongoing debate on the future direction of healthcare is becoming ever more intense in almost every country in Europe. Now that health systems have assumed a special role in social and political development, the question repeatedly being asked is whether the State should assume greater control or market mechanisms should be given free reign. More...

  • Congress Prelude

    The 21 st Congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers will be held in the historic setting of Trinity College – in the heart of the city of Dublin – the oldest university in Ireland. It was founded in 1592. The Congress is being hosted by the Health Management Institute of Ireland. Its President, Michael Lyons, said “Delegations...

  • Europe

    ECJ Judgement on Hospital Treatment The European Court of Justice (ECJ) recently issued a judgement in the Yvonne Watts versus Bedford Primary Care Trust case. It announced that the “obligation to assume the costs of hospital treatment in another Member State is equally valid for a national health service which freely offers a similar treatment”....

  • Patient Safety

    Author: Professor René Amalberti , Head Doctor, Head of the Department of Cognitive Sciences, Institut de Médecine Aérospatiale du Service de Santé des Armées, IMASSA, Bretigny-sur-Orge, France E-mail: [email protected] Medical safety has recently become an essential central theme of health policy....

  • The London Protocol

    Author Dr Charles Vincent PhD, Professor of Clinical Safety Research, Department of Surgical Oncology and Technology, Imperial College School of Science, Technology and Medicine, London E-mail: [email protected]   Dr Sally Adams PhD, Sally Adams & Associates, Honorary Lecturer...

  • Combatting Legionella in Hospitals

    Author: Matt Freije President of HC Information Resources, Inc. E-mail: [email protected] Legionella is a bacterium which can cause Legionnaires’ disease, a deadly pneumonia. Domestic (potable) water systems and cooling towers provide good habitats for Legionella growth, as well as a means of transmitting the bacteria from water...

  • The Finnish Association of Hospital Economy

    Author: Seppo Tuomola Leading Consultant, VIA Group E-mail: [email protected] A Co-operation Body for Administrative, Financial and Service Employees in Healthcare Units The Finnish Association of Hospital Economy was founded in 1928. The Association has 1,100 members employed in the healthcare sector...

  • The Finnish EU Presidency

    Author: Alpo Rajaniemi Accounting Manager, Hospital District of South West Finland and country correspondent for Hospital E-mail: [email protected]   Sources: Local and Regional Government of Finland Further information: ht tp://www.government . f i /eu/suomi-jaeu/2006/en.jsp  ...

  • The Finnish Healthcare System

    Author: Alpo Rajaniemi Accounting Manager, Hospital District of South West Finland, correspondent for Hospital E-mail: [email protected] Healthcare services in Finland are defined by law. Health Services are divided into primary and special care and are provided mainly by the municipalities. The municipalities...

  • The Finnish Hospital System

    Author: Heikki Punnonen Development Chief Local and Regional Government Finland E-mail: [email protected] Finnish patients with acute illnesses are usually taken to a municipal hospital or go there by themselves. If the illness cannot be diagnosed during an examination carried out by a health centre physician,...

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