• EU Affairs

    Author: Rory Watson EU Autumn Agenda Markos Kyprianou, the EU Health Commissioner, is determined to leave an identifiable legacy as he embarks on the last two years of his Brussels mandate. Late next month, he is planning to present an EU health strategy that will set out the direction the European Union’s activities should...

  • Members

    United Kingdom Hospital Kitchens Unhygienic and Unclean Local authority health inspection reports reveal that nearly half of all hospital kitchens and canteens in England could be failing to meet basic standards of cleanliness and hygiene.   Nearly a fifth of hospitals surveyed kept food at the wrong temperature or in unsafe conditions,...

  • IT and Medical Technology Pulling Together

    Authors: Timo Baumann, Head of Department Service Centre IT and Organisation, Klinik am Eichert, Göppingen,  Germany Email:  [email protected]   Joachim Hiller Head of Biomedical Department, Klinik am Eichert, ...

  • Telephonic Interpretation Opening Cultural Doors in Healthcare

    Author: Michael Greenbaum CEO, CyraCom, Email:  [email protected] or  visit  www.cyracom.com . The United States has always been a melting pot of diverse cultures, a nation rich in ethnic heritage that stems from an immigrant population dating back to its beginnings....

  • The Norwegian Health System

    Author: Bjørn Magne Eggen , Director of the Clinic of Medicine, Akershus University Hospital, (former Division-Director at The Ministry of Health and Care Services) email:  [email protected]   Organisation of the Healthcare System Under the Norwegian healthcare...

  • Hospital Services in Norway

    Author: Dag Bratlid ,  MD, PhD, MHA, Department of Pediatrics, S. Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim,  Norway Email:  [email protected] Norwegian hospitals have traditionally been owned and operated by the 19 different county councils. Most of the funding was provided...

  • EAHM

    Results of the Study on Patient Satisfaction Measures The short study of the General Secretariat of the EAHM of November 2006 (see Hospital 1/2007) has been processed.   Reminder: the members of the EAHM office were invited to respond to questions such as, for example, the existence of legal depositions in relation to the evaluation of...

  • News Europe

    Working Time Th e European Commission has written to all 27 EU governments asking them how they are complying with recent court rulings on the working time directive with its provisions on rest periods and a maximum 48-hour week.   The extent to which national authorities respect key judgements from the...

  • News Members

    Ireland The Hospital Administration Wants to Reduce Private Hours The Irish hospital administration has just announced that it wants to reduce the income which medical specialists derive from private fees paid for the treatment of private patients.   The medical specialists and the Irish hospitals are authorised to treat private patients,...

  • Creating Modern Management Structures in Hospitals through Centre Formation

    The economic pressures facing hospitals are set to intensify in the years ahead. Studies carried out by a range of consultancy companies predict that the viability of as many as one in four hospitals will be jeopardised in the next 15 years. It is highly unlikely that the German university hospital sector will emerge unscathed at the end of this process. The...

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