EAHM Acts on Mobility of Health Workforce After concluding its short survey in September 2007, the EAHM Subcommittee “European Affairs” has decided to further push ahead on the issue of mobility of health workforce.   The EAHM survey, Mobility of Healthcare Professionals answered pertinent questions concerning migration...

  • News Europe

    Initial Information on Planned EU Action on Healthcare Services Following consultations, the Commission is preparing its action on healthcare services and cross-border healthcare. These issues have been discussed widely at the European level and the Commission has recognized the need to address current uncertainties about the application of...

  • Patient Risks and Avoidable Costs:Six Sigma Reduces Variation in Medicine

    Author: Maximilian C. von Eiff , Project Group Medical Economy, Department of Clinical and Administrative Data Processing, University Clinic of Giessen-Marburg, Giessen, Germany Email:  [email protected] In all health service systems that have introduced...

  • Capacity Planning in German Hospitals:Excessive Capacities as Result of Inadequate Incentives

    Authors: Dr.   Boris Augurzky ,  Division chief Labor markets, population and health,  Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V., Germany   Prof. Dr .  Ludwig Kuntz , Roman Mennicken Economic and soci-economic Faculty, Köln University,...

  • Hospital Capacity Planning-With Space in Mind

    Author: Knut H. Bergsland , Senior adviser,  SINTEF Health Research, Trondheim, Norway Email:  [email protected] Most European hospitals will have to expand their examination and treatment capacity in the future, as well as rearrange and restructure core functions. Whether...

  • AEDH News

    L’AEDH Agit Pour la Mobilité du Personnel de Santé L’étude de l’AEDH, Mobilité Des Professionnels de Santé of Healthcare Professionals a répondu à des questions pertinentes concernant la migration du personnel au niveau national et hospitalier. Les questions portaient sur la façon dont le personnel migrant était considéré,...

  • Executive Summaries

    Systèmes d’Evaluation De La Qualité en Soins de Santé Une Perspective Européenne p. 14 Par Ewa Gojniczek Un problème commun à tous les hôpitaux de l’UE est la nécessité d’une norme pour des soins de haute qualité ainsi que les moyens de la mesurer et de la garantir. Quatre approches externes de base coexistent pour l’évaluation de la...

  • EKVD News

    EVKD Agiert Zum Thema „Mobilität Des Gesundheitspersonals“ Die kürzlich von der EVKD ausgeführte Blitzumfrage „Mobilität des Gesundheitspersonals” beantwortete Fragen, wie z.B. ob das betroffene Land oder Krankenhaus von der Mobilität des Gesundheitspersonals profitiert oder darunter leidet, wie hoch der Prozentsatz des eingesetzten aus dem...

  • The French Clinical Engineer:A Key Resource to Manage Biomedical Equipment in the Hospital

    Author: Martine Decouvelaere President of the French Association of Clinical Engineers, Hospices Civils de Lyon,  France Email:  [email protected] Among hospital engineers of all specialties, approximately 540 work part- or full-time as clinical engineers...

  • Norwegian Hospital and Health Service Association (NSH)

    Authors: Erik K. Normann and May Britt Buhaug, Norwegian Hospital and Health Service Association Email:  [email protected] How does the NSH Contribute to the Health Service of Today and Tomorrow? The NSH was established in 1937. There was an urgent need for an association...

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