• Healthcare Managers and Development Tools for Organisations

    I t would be an understatement to say that European hospitals are currently facing a number of challenges. Beyond the particularities and specific characteristics of each EU member state, questions are arising everywhere regarding the exact role of hospitals, their ability to meet patient expectations, their appeal in a highly competitive environment,...

  • News Members

    Internet Internet users can now have access to their own medical file on the Internet. Thanks to the HealthVault site, proposed by Microsoft, patients can manage and store their own medical records. Financed by targeted ads, the site contains a search engine and specialised tools with which patients can, for instance, control their weight or...

  • Quality Assessment Systems in Healthcare:A European Perspective

    Author: Ewa Gojniczek , EMC  Consulting group, Brussels, Belgium Email:  [email protected]   For source references, please contact  [email protected] Europe faces an incredible diversity of national healthcare systems. The extent of this problem is intensified by...

  • Researching Accreditation

    Authors: David Greenfield ,  PhD,  Research Fellow Jeffrey Braithwaite ,  PhD, Professor and Director Centre for Clinical Governance Research,  Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales,  Sydney, Australia...

  • New JCI Standards:Emerging Challenges to Providing Safe, Quality Care

    Author: Karen Timmons   is President and CEO of Joint Commission International (JCI), which is part of Joint Commission Resources (JCR), an affiliate of the Joint Commission. Through international consultation, accreditation, publication, and education, JCI helps to improve the quality of patient care around the world....

  • The Belgian Healthcare System

    Author: Kristof Eeckloo , Centre for health services and nursing research,  Faculty of medicine, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium Email:  [email protected] Belgium is a federal state. There are three levels of government: federal, regional (three...

  • The Hospital System in Belgium:The Direction of Reforms

    Authors: Professor   Marie-Christine Closon Centre of the Socioeconomics of Health, School of Public Health,  Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Email:  [email protected] The Belgian healthcare system is a mix of mandatory national insurance...

  • The Belgian Hospital Managers Association

    Author: Prof.   E. Engelbrecht, President of BVZD-ABDH-BVKD, Belgium Email:  [email protected] Founded in the early 1970s as a defacto   association representing Belgian hospital managers, the organisation stresses inclusion regardless of hospital status, language group...

  • Editorial

    Paul Castel Président de l’AEDH Les Managers De La Santé et Les Outils d’Evolution Des Organisations I l est peu dire que les hôpitaux européens doivent actuellement faire face à de nombreux défis. Au-delà des particularités et des spécificités de chacun des états membres, partout des interrogations...

  • Editorial

    Paul Castel Präsident der EVKD Möglichkeiten Der Organisationsentwicklung Für Gesundheitsmanager   E s ist allgemein bekannt, dass europäische Krankenhäuser heute zahlreichen Herausforderungen gegenüber stehen. Neben den Partikularitäten und spezifischen Gegebenheiten in jedem Mitgliedstaat, laufen überall Diskussionen über...

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