• Burnout: Practical Psychological Strategies to Cope

    Chronic stress and constant feelings of insurmountable responsibilities can lead to burnout in even the most dynamic and passionate of professionals. Excessive working hours and a lack of time to relax, combined with poor job satisfaction and a lack of control over your environment can lead to experiencing intense fatigue and disengagement. Burnout...

  • Appropriate utilisation of imaging and defensive medicine - where do we stand?

    There is no estimate of how many unnecessary imaging examinations are requested, performed, and reimbursed. Unofficially, professionals agree that the proportion is as high as one fourth to one third of all CT examinations performed in adult patients. Requests for CT imaging are driven by clinical need, patients' attitudes, fear of litigation and are...

  • Telehealth Role in Value Based Care

    Mei Wa Kwong is Policy Advisor and Project Director at the Center for Connected Health Policy in the U.S.. As healthcare grapples with how telehealth can be utilised for better patient outcomes, Kwong answers HealthManagement.org’s question: In What Ways Can Telehealth Enhance Value Based Care?   Value-based care has been the subject...

  • Healthcare Cross-collaboration to Support Ageing Community

    We now live longer but increased life expectancy has led to more pressure on healthcare services. The Design Council in the UK is involved in an innovative new drive to improve the experience for all concerned. Called Transform Ageing this new cross-sector initiative brings together people in later life, social entrepreneurs a nd health and social...

  • How Blockchain Can Make HIT More Secure

    Drew Ivan was one of the winners in the recent ONC Blockchain Ideation Challenge which focused on use of the technology in healthcare security. He is Director of Business Technology at Orion Health.   Drew answered the HealthManagement.org question: What are the top potential benefits of using Blockchain technology to secure healthcare records?...

  • COMARE Report Response Designed to Improve Risk Management & Patient Care

    Ahead of the introduction of the new Basic Safety Standards Directive (BSSD) to GB and Northern Ireland law in February 2018, an expert working party has published a practical guide for hospitals to help ensure optimum dose management and patient safety when administering CT scans and X-rays. Through the standardisation of medical imaging and the...

  • Ensuring Compliance with Radiation Safety Regulations

    As a result of an approach from the Health & Safety Executive the AXREM Service Managers Specialist Focus Group believe there is an important rationale for the development of a common Radiation Controlled Area and Equipment Handover Document   AXREM members believe it is important to ensure there is cooperation between employers in line with...

  • Improving Early Detection of Breast Cancer

    I first became interested in early detection of breast cancer as a child when my aunt died of it at age 60 after initial diagnosis at age 40. Eight years later, my mother was diagnosed with it when I was in high school. She had nipple retraction. Her mammogram was normal and she had dense breasts. The surgeon had her admitted to the hospital, telling...

  • Medicine, Technology and Humanity Intertwined: Zoom On Rafael Beyar

    Professor Rafael Beyar is General Director of Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel, the major academic hospital serving northern Israel. He received his MD from Tel Aviv University (1977), his DSc from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Technion (1983), and his MPH from the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University...

  • Creating Healthcare Apps that Meet Needs and Usability Expectations

      Anna Sort, nurse, healthcare gamer and app creator at Play Benefit, answers the question: How should a healthcare app developer create a product that addresses a service need and that healthcare professionals want to use?   For the past few years I've heard this discussion a lot in start-up meetings, over coffee in congresses and even...

  • Radiologists are the Stewards of Appropriate Imaging

    U.S. healthcare payment policy is finally shifting towards rewarding value not volume and radiologists are a critical part of the transformation. The healthcare delivery system in the United States has been notoriously expensive with marked variability in quality. The Affordable Care Act, “Obamacare” has led to more Americans being insured,...

  • Critical Care in China

    Zoom On Bin Du Prof. Bin Du, MD, obtained his medical degree in Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) in 1994, when he joined the Department of Critical Care Medicine at PUMC Hospital. In 2005 he become a Professor and the Director of Medical ICU, PUMC Hospital. Dr. Bin Du is the Past President of the Chinese Society of Critical Care Medicine (CSCCM)...

  • Healthcare IT Security Problems, People and Solutions

    Like other sectors whose mission depends on network-connected technology, healthcare is in crisis. In addition to the need for confidentiality, people’s lives depend on the integrity of the health information system. Incorrect decisions based on incorrect information could mean the difference between life and death. Finally, the information must be available...

  • Vulnerability Leading to Improvement: Hospitals Start Comparing Outcomes Internationally

      It might sound absurd, but most hospitals have no idea how good they are. Physicians have a strong internal drive to provide the best possible care for their patients and to continuously improve quality of care. But how do they know if they succeed?   Right now, we have a situation in healthcare where treatment results are not or are...

  • Radiologists - essential members of the patient's team

    Zoom On  Richard L. Baron, past-president, Radiological Society of North America, 2016 Richard L. Baron, MD, FACR, was president of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Board of Directors (2016). As RSNA president, Dr. Baron’s priorities are to foster the development of new radiological innovations, and facilitate education into the...

  • The Importance of Breast Screening: Zoom On Gabor Forrai

    Prof. Gábor Forrai is the current President of the European Society of Breast Imaging (2015-2018). He is Head of the Department of Radiology at Duna Medical Center - Hospital & Clinics, and Managing Director of GÉ-RAD Kft. Prof. Forrai previously worked as Head of Radiology Department at the Defence Forces Hospital/Teaching Hospital University...

  • The Video Game Healer - Zoom On - Anna Sort

    Anna Sort is a qualified nurse, healthcare lecturer and the director of PlayBenefit, a Barcelona-based company which uses gaming to help people heal. What are your key areas of interest and research?  Video games, Engagement design, behaviour change, Placebo effect/mind power, willpower and eustress. What are the major challenges in...

  • Critical Care Skeptic: Zoom On Paul Marik

    Dr Marik  is Professor of Medicine and Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia. He received his medical degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, and was an ICU attending at Baragwanath Hospital, in Soweto, South Africa. During this time he obtained a Master...

  • Zoom On: Alain Cribier, Pioneering Interventional Cardiologist

    Prof. Alain Cribier, MD, MD, FACC, FESC has been Chief of Cardiology at the University Hospital Charles Nicolle of Rouen, France for 20 years. He became widely recognised for having developed new interventional technologies for the treatment of valvular heart diseases : balloon aortic valvuloplasty in 1985, mitral commissurotomy in 1994, and,...

  • Zoom On: Tienush Rassaf, Editor-in-Chief, Cardiology, HealthManagement.org

    Prof. Tienush Rassaf took up his appointment as Editor-in-Chief, Cardiology, HealthManagement.org in September 2016. Prof. Rassaf has since August 2015 been Department Head and Chair of Cardiology (Cardiology and Vascular Medicine from August 2016) at the Westgerman Heart- and Vascular Center at the University of Essen, Germany.   He...

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