• The Hospital as a Brand

    Summary: The authors examine the process involved in creating a strong brand and the advantages that this can bring to an organisation and in particular hospitals by enabling them to establish a significant and distinguished position against their competitors.   In manufacturing, retailing and the service sector, it is indisputable: in order...

  • Inotropic Agents for Heart Failure - Wishful Thinking?

    Summary: Calcium activation and calcium sensitivity in the failing myocardium.   Historically, treatment of heart failure with inotropic agents started with the employment of extracts of foxglove, which contained a mixture of cardiac glycosides. With their low therapeutic margin due to a resulting ionic dysbalance though, cardiac glycosides...

  • Putting Medical Radiation Protection First

    Summary: How a European Society of Radiology flagship initiative is addressing quality and safety in medical imaging.    EUROSAFE IMAGING has celebrated five years of success in its mission to support and strengthen medical radiation protection across Europe. Through its Stars network, EUROSAFE IMAGING makes efforts to give radiation protection...

  • Nuclear Cardiology: Molecular Insights into the Heart

    Summary: Nuclear cardiology is a promising field located between research, imaging, and patient care. Through close interdisciplinary cooperation, a variety of cardiovascular diseases (eg coronary artery, inflammatory and infiltrative cardiac diseases) can not only be investigated, but also efficiently treated in daily clinical routine.    What...

  • Hypertension – Prevention is Better Than Cure

    How can we get the most common, costly, and modifiable cardiovascular risk factor under control?     Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death with an upward trend beyond 30% and a tripling in costs between 2010 and 2030, placing a significant economic burden on public healthcare services. 1,2,3 The most common risk factor...

  • Better Insight*, Better Peace of Mind

    Enhanced diagnostic accuracy of screening mammography with the use of Artificial Intelligence   Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer among women, with an estimated incidence of 560,000 cases in 2018, in Europe. 1 The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that 627,000 women worldwide, 2 out of which 150.0002 only in Europe, died from...

  • Transforming Colorectal Surgery Outcomes

    How End to End Enhanced Recovery and Prehabilitation Transformed Colorectal Surgery Outcomes   Complications in all types of surgery place a significant burden on patients’ quality of life and on all clinicians involved in the care pathway. In laparoscopic colorectal surgery, anastomotic leaks are of great concern to surgeons and can place considerable...

  • A Value-Based Approach to Atrial Fibrillation

    Enhancing Atrial Fibrillation Procedure Flow Garners Profound Results   One year ago, Health Management published Aiming to heal 80 percent more hearts through the power of partnership . The article outlined the bold ambitions of Oslo University Hospital – a leading center in the treatment of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) – to expand access and enhance...

  • Nurses and Cutting-Edge Technology

    Summary: Modern nursing is a multi-layered field of work with increasing work density and complexity, which requires a high level of competence, resilience and commitment from the nursing staff.   In numerous professional situations, nursing professionals are required to have a high degree of spontaneous problem solving, abstraction skills...

  • Highlights from the I-I-I Blog

    (I expert, I question, I answer)  Have you got something to say? Visit  https://healthmanagement.org/blog/index  or contact [email protected] Immanuel Azaad Moonesar  President – AIB-MENA Assistant Professor of Health Policy – Mohammed Bin Rashid School  of Government, UAE  TOP QUOTE FROM THE BLOG  ‘Addressing...

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