• Turning the Silver Tsunami into a Silver Lining...

    Healthcare is becoming more and more successful, allowing us to endure into an unprecedented old age. At the same time, in developed countries, the fertility rate is lowering. These two phenomena have led to what international organisations have been saying for years: the population is getting older. Now, the question of the ageing population is no...

  • Vendor-Driven Standards for Interoperability

    David Hancock, the healthcare executive advisor at InterSystems, was recently elected vendor co-chair of INTEROPen, a UK collaboration that promotes open standards for interoperability in the health and care sector. HealthManagement.org spoke to David about why he wants INTEROPen to be vendor-led and how this approach will help both suppliers and...

  • Leading Change as a Physician

    Summary: Erin Sullivan introduces Xavier Corbella, physician turned CEO, to discuss his leadership journey and implementing change within the health system. Introduction I had the good fortune of being introduced to Dr. Corbella in early 2016 while visiting Barcelona to understand Spain’s approach to primary care delivery....

  • How to Change Fertility Care with Value-Based Healthcare

    Summary: The VBHC Green Belt Blended Learning programme gives medical specialists the tools to maximise patient value and deliver effective care. Dr. Max Curfs has been working as a clinical embryologist at the Isala Fertility Centre since 1995. He holds a PhD in Natural Sciences and before working at Isala he researched the embryology...

  • Managing the Whole Health of the Ageing Population

    Summary: With a rapidly growing older population, effective care for ageing patients will require healthcare stakeholders to collaborate in managing the whole health of these patients.  Throughout the world, but especially in Europe and Northern America, the population is ageing at an alarming rate. The United Nations Department of Economic...

  • Anti-Ageing Therapies: From Basic Science to Human Application

    Summary: At the turn of the twenty-first century, our understanding of the biology of ageing has fundamentally changed thanks to major preclinical breakthroughs, which revived age-old aspirations for eternal youth. However, how close are we, in reality, to achieving this in humans? Background Nowadays, the average human lifespan...

  • Ageism in Healthcare: Why It Has To Stop

    Summary: Ageism can be defined as stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination towards people because of their age. An authority on ageism in healthcare highlights the challenges and opportunities in the sector. How serious/prevalent is the problem of ageism within healthcare and where do you think this stems from? I don’t think that the...

  • Silver Tsunami Infographic

    An overview of ageing and its impact on healthcare.

  • Image Information Delivery in the AI Era: Two Likely Scenarios

    Summary: As the world enters further into the transformative power of technology, Stephen Baker questions how this information revolution, in particular, AI will affect the capabilities available to industry experts. Many fields of knowledge, dependent on technology, can experience abrupt, massive growth as new techniques and...

  • The Sex and Gender Influence on Hypertension

    Despite underlying physiological differences and a different set of risk factors, diagnosis, management, and treatment strategies for hypertension do not account for sex and gender variances. Evidence-based guidelines for hypertension treatment from clinical trials are similar between males and females; however, most of these trials do not...

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