• Leading Breast Radiologist Wins 2019 RSNA Accolade

    Prof. Fiona Gilbert is a leading light in the field of breast imaging with her contribution to the field being marked with Honorary Membership at Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) annual meeting in Chicago this December. Since her graduation from Glasgow University in 1978 she has built an illustrious career in the UK in multiple areas...

  • Beyond Imaging, Towards a Care Pathway Approach Powered by AI

    The healthcare industry is under transformation. An ageing population and the rise of noncommunicable diseases are driving an industry shift away from curing disease in the short term toward preventing and managing disease and promoting overall well-being in the long term. Across Europe, we see the same issues – underfunded and understaffed national...

  • Closing the Cycle of Research, Prevention, Diagnosis, Monitoring, Treatment With a Finger Sensor

    Summary: Noninvasive, continuous haemodynamic assessment in clinically proven quality made easy. Easy-to-use and reliable methods for a clinically valuable cardiovascular assessment have become inevitable at a time when cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death 1 and postoperative complications causing long hospital stays...

  • Public-Private Partnerships: A Win-Win for Danish Healthcare and for the Industry

    Summary: The Danish model shows that, when Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) work, they can usher in innovation and solutions previously regarded as out of reach. While healthcare authorities in many countries are experiencing increasing demands and costs due to an ageing population and more patients with chronic diseases, they are, at the...

  • Healthcare Data: Creating a Learning Healthcare Ecosystem

    Summary: The future of global healthcare requires a shift towards a real-time, digital learning healthcare ecosystem, but how can we use patient data to achieve this goal? Healthcare data is seen by many as the ‘new goldmine,’ with many businesses in this field evaluated and sold at a significant value. Flatiron, the start-up...

  • Digital Transformation for More Effective Healthcare: Inspiring VBHC Initiatives

    Summary: By combining digital transformation with the core VBHC initiatives, we can provide effective, patient-centred care for the future. The way the healthcare sector is currently organised is not financially sustainable. To provide qualitative, patient-centred and effective care in the future, a different mindset on valuing health outcomes...

  • Cash Cow Infographic

    An overview of healthcare industry revenue, growth and expenditures. 

  • Medical Image Exchange in the Cloud: A More Efficient Way

    Summary: In the drive for patient engagement, what benefits does cloud computing have over delivery formats of imaging records widely used today? Medical imaging is an important element of most healthcare processes and contributes to accurate disease diagnosis and treatment. Medical imaging technology is advancing and improving every day and...

  • The Role of EIT Health in Training the European Health Workforce

    Summary: EIT Health, a network organisation supported by the European Union, is addressing the impact technology is having on both healthcare employees and end user patients through innovative training that upskills the health workforce and improves patient care. EIT Health is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) established...

  • The ABC of Patient Engagement: Time to Breathe New Life Into Old Stories

    Summary: A medical communications expert looks at how industry’s relationship with the patient has changed over 25 years and what is necessary for successful future liaison. It is twenty-five years since I first started working in medical communications and with patient organisations. In 1995 there was no such thing as ‘patient-centred...

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