• Going from a Culture of Blame and Denial to a Culture of Safety

    Summary: Many healthcare organisations face difficulties while managing transition from a culture of blame and denial to a culture of safety. To succeed, leaders should identify obstacles, create an environment of trust and set an example with their own actions. Healthcare holds traditions in high esteem. The white coat and nursing pin ceremonies...

  • COVID-19: What Can Healthcare Learn?

    Summary: A new decade is normally a time for optimism and fresh starts but what 2020 ushered in was a new coronavirus. Named by WHO as COVID-19, the virus causes severe acute respiratory problems. It is thought to have emerged at a live animal market in the Chinese city of Wuhan at the end of 2019 with an initial trickle of reports...

  • Get Data on Board: Incorporating Health Information Technology in Care Delivery

    Summary: How can healthcare practitioners at all levels contribute for optimal integration and use of data and HIT for best care delivery? If you were to poll clinicians from every practice across the United States about the state of their electronic health record system (EHR), we would wager $100 that you would find at least one dissatisfied...

  • Supporting Diagnostic and Therapeutic Decision-Making Along the Patient Pathway

    Making the right decisions, patient by patient, day by day is at the core of what every healthcare provider must do. These decisions often have to be made fast, under the pressure of extremely high workload, complex bureaucracy and long working hours. Quick and easy access to information is critical here, and digitalization can contribute...

  • Big Data: Application of Folksonomy for Clinical Nephrology Research

    Summary: Nephrology researchers show how natural language processing can enable a more efficient and effective use of the vast amount of healthcare big data. The daily activity in the medical field generates a multitude of data from clinical records and reports, collected from anamnesis and physical examination, laboratory and other tests,...

  • Reimagining Healthcare: A Story of Growth, Innovation and Transformation

    With ageing populations on the rise and healthcare funding increasingly strained, the capability to enhance patient experience and improve clinical outcomes while also driving efficiencies will make the difference in the healthcare battleground. According to the latest data provided by the World Economic Forum, the global population will rise from...

  • Novel Interventions for Early Parkinson Detection

    Summary: An award-winning ICT-based early detection of Parkinson’s Disease aims to support healthcare sustainability and more personalised care for at-risk adults. Population ageing, which entails an increasing share of older persons in the population, is a major global demographic trend, which will intensify during the twenty-first century...

  • New Catalonian Digital Health Strategy: A Presentation

    Summary: The Digital Health Strategy for Catalonia (Spain) is one of the current few ambitious initiatives of health information systems’ transformation in Europe. Similar to other developed countries around the world, the public health system of Catalonia is subject to tensions, challenges and opportunities that mainly result from an ageing...

  • Hotspot: AI and Ethics in Health Innovation

    Summary: AI holds great promise, yet also raises many ethical questions. The field of health and care has much to contribute to and a huge interest in the related technology, governance and regulatory debates. Artificial Intelligence (AI) was certainly a hotspot of attention last year. It is likely to continue to attract much attention this...

  • The Future is Digital - Infographic

    What is the future of digital health?

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