• COVID-19 Management

    As COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc across the globe, spreading to new regions and threatening with resurgence in those already affected, healthcare professionals are working tirelessly to develop and implement effective strategies for patient treatment, organisational management and public health measures. They are also looking beyond the pandemic...

  • The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Future of Healthcare Leadership

    Three Critical Components for Safe Patient Care Creating and nurturing a culture of safety that is aligned with a holistic, continuous improvement process and sustained through effective communication and education is no longer a choice; it is now a requirement of all healthcare leaders, from the boardroom to the bedside....

  • COVID-19 - Present and Future Effect on Radiologist Training?

    The effects of COVID-19 have been manifold but one of the areas which has seen destabilising implications is the training of radiologists. The immediate effects of the coronavirus pandemic have been precipitous and manifold. The longer term consequences promise to be persistent and profound. Its range of disruption is obvious with...

  • The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Women´s Health and Pregnancy Care

    Amid the COVID-19 pandemic women are often deprived of necessary health care. The research on women’s health in this context is scarce and might often be compromised, but also widely distributed in the media. The International Academy of Perinatal Medicine, therefore, is adamant to uphold the best scientific standards. Without a doubt,...

  • COVID-19: No Return to Normal

    A patient engagement authority reflects on the impact of pharma’s response to COVID-19 and outlines hope for a better perception of the sector as providers of health solutions beyond the pill. Since the first awareness of COVID-19 in the medical press and alert to the World Health Organization on December 31 2019, global health...

  • Providing Alternative Outpatient Delivery Channels

    The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated implementation of key digitalisation tenets of the UK’s NHS Five-Year Plan for outpatients, but how can healthcare maintain achievements forged under pressure once the crisis has passed? The COVID-19 pandemic is putting global healthcare systems under immense pressure and outpatient services are not...

  • COVID-19 from the Perspective of Telemedicine

    A retired physician offers insights into COVID-19 telemedicine following a stint volunteering for a telephone support service for patients with the disease. After years of serving as a primary healthcare services manager in Barcelona and promoting the use of ICT, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided to volunteer as a...

  • B·R·A·H·M·S PCT: A Valuable Tool for Bacterial Coinfection Risk Assessment

    Procalcitonin – A Critical Biomarker Procalcitonin (PCT) is a member of the calcitonin family and known as a critical biomarker for bacterial infections. To be effective a biomarker must have high diagnostic accuracy and allow early and rapid diagnosis. PCT fulfills these requirements and has already demonstrated superior diagnostic accuracy compared...

  • #CountOnUs: Creating New Paths and Partnerships to Solve Extraordinary Challenges

    The COVID-19 crisis has placed extraordinary pressure on healthcare providers and clinical professionals alike. And yet, within this difficult and demanding context, we have seen incredible responses: in a sense of unity, in new ways of working, in the creation of virtual connections and more. Agfa Radiology has stepped up as well,...

  • Think Inside The Box: This Parisian Hospital Has a Dedicated CT Cabin for its COVID-19 Patients

    A prefabricated cabin has sprung up just outside the entrance of the giant Henri-Mondor hospital in Créteil, a commune in the southeastern suburbs of Paris. The unassuming module might look like a trailer home or the temporary office for a construction project, but it’s actually a vital outpost in the hospital’s battle against COVID-19. Nestled...

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