• Predicament Prevention for Pandemics

    COVID-19 has resulted in an enormous demand for critical care personnell and increased consumption of resources. How can healthcare systems prepare for the allocation of scarce resources? Introduction Health care crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic, can lead to a pronounced regional, national and even supranational discrepancy between...

  • Nutritional Management of the Critically Ill Older Adult

    A review of available evidence and an overview of recommendations for the nutritional management of the critically ill older adult. Introduction Worldwide, there is a shift in the distribution of the population towards older ages. This shift is similarly being experienced in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), with the median age of the...

  • Unmasking the Triumphs, Tragedies, and Opportunities of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many changes to society and the practice of critical care medicine. Perhaps now is the time to address deficiencies in communication and decision-making that impact quality of care provided to older patients with serious illness. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a juxtaposition of triumph and...

  • Junior Faculty Support: How To Do It and Why It Matters

    An overview of the themes of support from the perspective of junior faculty- the sequence of required processes, the breakdown of these processes and actionable courses that should be taken, both individual and/or institution-based. Key Points Junior faculty should be assigned a mentor prior to their arrival at an institution....

  • Magnet Nursing - Employee motivation, medical quality and patient satisfaction in unison

    The continuing shortage of qualified care personnel and doctors is forcing hospitals to develop innovative concepts of personnel management in order to attract personnel and bind them over the long term. The concept of ‘Magnet Nursing,’ or the ‘Magnet Hospital,’ which has been practiced successfully in the U.S., provides some insights into a promising...

  • What if we Treated Patients More Like Customers?

    COVID-19 has ignited the need for data-driven decision making, personalised healthcare and digital delivery. How can the NHS become a customer-focused organisation and reimagine healthcare to meet evolving priorities? Key Points To deliver world-leading health outcomes, the NHS needs to get comfortable with new concepts of healthcare...

  • Deep Mining for Determining Cancer Biomarkers

    The use of omics data for knowledge discovery is an approach that can be used for personalised cancer medicine and for a better understanding of cancer genotype and phenotype. Three researchers have developed a deep feature learning model to discover biomarkers that are positively and negatively associated with cancer. HealthManagement.org spoke...

  • Smart Diagnostics with Wearable Devices: Principles and Applications

    Life expectancy has increased in the past few decades especially in developing countries, but quality of life of older population can be severely impacted by conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases (dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.). Early detection and treatment of such conditions is key to increasing quality of life for patients...

  • A Snapshot of Imaging Technology: Exciting Developments and When to Expect Them

    Conversations with thousands of clinicians have given KLAS Research a picture of the current trends in medical imaging technology. Current users’ successes and failures have generated some best practices for successfully implementing new technology. Key Points Enterprise imaging strategies and tools are being widely adopted in many...

  • Role of Wearables in Combating COVID-19

    The current pandemic has highlighted the importance and usefulness of wearable medical devices during an infectious disease outbreak. An expert on wearables explains the benefits of the technology and urges all the stakeholders to implement it as soon as possible. Key Points In isolation, people resort to calling an ambulance if there...

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