• Prolonged Intubation and Tracheostomy in COVID-19 Survivors

    Consequences and Recovery of Laryngeal Function Intubation and tracheostomy as a result of COVID-19 critical illness may result in laryngeal dysfunction, which can lead to serious consequences. This article provides assessment and rehabilitation recommendations for those working with critically ill COVID-19 patients in the ICU. Introduction...

  • Biomarkers and Their Impact in ICU Patient Outcomes

    The laboratory plays a critical role in ensuring optimal outcomes for ICU patients. Several biomarkers are valuable in this context and can help clinicians achieve improved patient outcomes and decreased expenses for healthcare. I mproving both in-ICU and post-ICU clinical outcomes often depends on actions taken much sooner in a patient’s...

  • Post-Intensive Care Syndrome - Patients and Families Need to Know They are Not Alone

    In this article, we aim to summarise the current management of Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) and Post-Intensive Care Syndrome – Family (PICS-F), understanding the need for continuum assessment and support throughout critical disease. Illustrating PICS People who have been admitted to an Intensive Care Unit report a reduced quality...

  • The Post-ICU Patient - Management of Long-Term Impairments After Critical Illness

    Survivors of critical illness and their caregivers frequently face long-term impairments of cognition, mental health, mobility and beyond, which demand for a patient-centred transition management and well-coordinated, outpatient post-ICU care. Introduction In recent years, the post-ICU sequelae of survivors of critical illness have become...

  • Nutrition in the Post ICU Period: Where is the Evidence?

    This article summarises the current nutrition evidence in the phase of recovery that occurs following critical illness. Introduction It is plausible that the importance of nutrition may differ across different phases of illness. Reflecting this, the most recently updated clinical nutrition practice guidelines for critical care from the...

  • Post-intensive Care Syndrome – The Paediatric Perspective

    This article outlines the current understanding, prevalence, risk factors and management of the post-intensive care syndrome in paediatrics. Introduction Persistent critical illness acquired morbidities have been well known to affect adults since our attention was drawn to this in the landmark publication by Herridge et al. in 2003....

  • Rehabilitation of the Critically Ill: The Role of Allied Health Professionals

    Rehabilitation and recovery following ICU admission aims to improve patient outcomes, optimising function and recovery. Allied health professionals are key members in the multidisciplinary team, positively contributing to the rehabilitation pathway. S urvivorship after admission to intensive care (ICU) has moved beyond mortality. Reducing...

  • Using Realistic Simulation to Design a New PICU - Building Before Building

    Designing the Dream PICU Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (HSJD) is a paediatric and maternity hospital located in Barcelona. In 2018 the new 24-bed Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) was inaugurated, featuring modern facilities and the latest technology. We moved from an area with open spaces to a unit structured into individual rooms, in order to...

  • Intensive Care Medicine: Reflections on the Gender Gap

    Is the gender gap a concern for intensive care medicine (ICM)? ICM is not gender friendly by design and this could have a major impact on the discipline given the increase in the number of female doctors. What are the main barriers to career progression for women in ICM? Members of the iWIN Foundation present their views. S everal authors...

  • Infographic

    An overview of the Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) and the challenges faced by critical care patients post-ICU.

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