• Chained Globalisation

    We have been reading for decades that we live in a global village and that the virtual world has put down all boundaries. However, the reality in healthcare does not really reflect this description. Technological advancement has benefitted healthcare at the global scale although at a different pace. There is, no doubt, a global appetite for...

  • Elevating Cancer Care to Global Level

    With cancer being the second leading cause of death globally, it is necessary to include cancer care into the global health agenda. An initiative known as City Cancer Challenge (C/Can) aims to do this through work with stakeholders at a local level and dialogue on cancer care between cities and partners across the world. Its CEO talked to HealthManagement.org...

  • Big Intelligently Efficient Opportunity that Can Unlock Better Outcomes and Experience of Care

    The coronavirus pandemic has shone a light on the dedication of our global health systems. It has also helped inspire new thinking on how to address the key challenges that have been facing healthcare for many years. Empowering a new climate of quality care that is guided by insight to benefit both providers and patients, will create a system as healthy...

  • Radiology Resources in Timor-Leste: Limited Imaging Choices in a Small Yet Poor Country

    An evaluation of the imaging profile of Timor-Leste’s territory consisting of the eastern half of the Southeast Asian Island of Timor, Atauro, Dili, Oecusse, bordered by West Timor and an assessment of the region’s imaging resources, radiology capabilities and barriers to the provision of imaging care. Key Points...

  • German Nurse in UK: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    One of the pillars globalisation stands upon is free movement of workforce across borders. In healthcare, it is especially relevant to nursing, with its notorious global workforce deficit. At the same time, while ‘cross-border employment opportunities’ may sound good in politics, for a particular nurse to move abroad for work may be one of the...

  • Chronic Disease Management using GeoAI Applications: Severe Respiratory Illness in Spain

    An overview of a developmental model the authors have been working on for the past two years with a focus on chronic disease management and support for patients who are labile or highly reactive to changes in their environmental conditions. Key Points Global healthcare systems are struggling to manage the growth in chronic...

  • On the Threats to Imaging…. Should We Be Worried?

    Key Points Imaging has been at the forefront of innumerable technical developments over  the last  two decades.  Radiology was the lead in developing CT and MR, and led the charge into the transition to digital in the ’00s. However, in recent years, imaging changed from being a profit centre to a cost centre, inpatient care was deemed...

  • Digital Health Diplomacy in Chained Globalised Health Context

    There cannot be a global approach to diseases and health promotion without a tremendous effort to create links. Interoperability of people, processes and information systems is crucial for this purpose. I advance a concept of Digital Health Diplomacy as concentrated international efforts towards supranational interoperability in eHealth/Digital...

  • From Globalisation to a Health Supportive Global Planet

    We are still in the middle of a dramatic experience. Will the pandemic’s impact on health and health systems help us comprehend the value of health and how little health-friendly is the present globalisation? Can it, consequently, help in the creation of a multidimensional, health supportive new global planet? Key Points Globalisation...

  • Prolonged Intubation and Tracheostomy in COVID-19 Survivors

    Consequences and Recovery of Laryngeal Function Intubation and tracheostomy as a result of COVID-19 critical illness may result in laryngeal dysfunction, which can lead to serious consequences. This article provides assessment and rehabilitation recommendations for those working with critically ill COVID-19 patients in the ICU. Introduction...

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