• New Care Delivery

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been an accelerator for a profound paradigmatic shift that started several years ago, from a hospital-centred and centralised acute care system towards a patient-centred and distributed network of multiple actors playing new roles. Autonomy of patients is leveraged, telemedicine and telemonitoring is increasingly used by...

  • Innovating in Healthcare: Hospital Admissions at Home

    Today’s hospitals are not yet the hospitals of the future. Emerging societal challenges are demanding a shift towards hospital care at home. Although telemedicine, like telemonitoring and telerehabilitation, has been getting more popular in recent years, hospital admissions at home are still in their infancy. Current organisational and technological...

  • Artificial Intelligence and Cardiology: Reaching New Frontiers

    Part of the new care delivery in cardiology is the use of artificial intelligence tools that are proving their utility in this evolving field. Electrocardiography has been considered an important diagnostic tool but also could have a role in the prediction of events. One important event to predict is atrial fibrillation due to its causal relationship...

  • Building a Hospital Without Walls

    In the pursuit to achieve better population health, the Central Health Model of Care is designed to look beyond the hospital walls, and achieve the Five Population Health aims of Better Health and Better Value with Better People delivering Better Care to build a Better Community. Key Points A contextualised population...

  • It’s Time for Open MRI

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a powerful diagnostic tool in clinical medicine. However, MRI technology is evolving continuously. In a recent webinar organised by HealthManagement.org, Prof. Penny Gowland, Dr. Aaron Montgomery, Martyn Beckett and Marco Belardinelli looked into the strategies that could be used to maximise the...

  • Hospitals Go Green & Healthy

    Following their unique healing mission to ‘first, do no harm,’ hospitals and health professionals should lead the transition to carbon neutrality, reduce their environmental footprint, and adopt effective strategies to respond to the impacts of climate change and pollution without compromising the quality of care. Key Points...

  • Continuous Improvement Through Peer Learning

    Traditionally, the radiology community advocates peer review for quality assurance. The current trend is to focus more on peer learning, where learning from peers in a continuous improvement mode becomes more important than focusing on the (number of) diagnostic errors. Agfa HealthCare has developed a module that supports both peer review and peer...

  • Setting New Standards in Syncope Management

    Syncope is a heterogeneous syndrome with complex underlying mechanisms. The spectrum of patients presenting with syncope is broad, which requires appropriate, often individualized diagnosis paths. “Patients presenting with syncope, a sudden transient loss of consciousness, require appropriate, often individualized diagnosis and...

  • New Care Delivery Paradigms

    The added value of shifting traditional inpatient surgeries to outpatient ambulatory care centres In 2014-2015, under increasing financial pressure, the inpatient hospital beds at ‘Clinique de la Basilique’ (Basilique Clinic) were converted and adapted for outpatient care. Despite challenges, the clinic succeeded in...

  • Cover Story: Patient Transformers

    Today’s patient is armed, informed and fully engaged in their care delivery. How does this abundance of knowledge change hospital systems and care delivery? How much is the patient already a care consumer with choices - and is there such a thing as too much choice? What innovative ideas is the market offering to face these challenges?...

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