• Cash Cow

    Is the healthcare bottom line en route to hitting rock bottom? Is the system bankrupt? Does the system still waste too much cash? Where is the real bottom line? Rising overheads, high staffing, supply and technology costs challenge current operating models. Are they outdated or are they becoming unsustainable? What could save the day? Adaptivity?...

  • Alexandre Lourenço: New HealthManagement.org EXEC Editor-In-Chief

    HealthManagement.org is proud to welcome on board Alexandre Lourenço as our new EXEC Editor-in-Chief. Lourenço serves as President of the Portuguese Association of Hospital Managers, Board and Executive Committee member of the European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM), Board Member of the European Health Management Association and Honorary...

  • Leading Breast Radiologist Wins 2019 RSNA Accolade

    Prof. Fiona Gilbert is a leading light in the field of breast imaging with her contribution to the field being marked with Honorary Membership at Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) annual meeting in Chicago this December. Since her graduation from Glasgow University in 1978 she has built an illustrious career in the UK in multiple areas...

  • The Future of Cardiovascular Medicine – Technology, Gender Bias and Treatment Strategies

    Prof. Mamas A Mamas is a structural interventional cardiologist, treating patients with underlying coronary artery with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in both the elective and emergency setting and undertaking Transcatheter Aortic Valve Interventions (TAVI). He is also the Associate Editor of Circulation Cardiovascular Interventions...

  • Creating the Dream Team in Radiology

    Summary: A modern successful radiology department team needs top-flight professionals in everything from imaging to social media management. In the 90’s the term ‘Dream Team’ was used to name a Marvel Comics’ group of superheroes with different magical energies, surprising powers and marvellous skills. Today, most people associate...

  • Public-Private Partnerships: A Win-Win for Danish Healthcare and for the Industry

    Summary: The Danish model shows that, when Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) work, they can usher in innovation and solutions previously regarded as out of reach. While healthcare authorities in many countries are experiencing increasing demands and costs due to an ageing population and more patients with chronic diseases, they are, at the...

  • The ABC of Patient Engagement: Time to Breathe New Life Into Old Stories

    Summary: A medical communications expert looks at how industry’s relationship with the patient has changed over 25 years and what is necessary for successful future liaison. It is twenty-five years since I first started working in medical communications and with patient organisations. In 1995 there was no such thing as ‘patient-centred...

  • Innovation and Inspiration for Healthcare

    Summary: The EAHM Innovation Award 2019 honoured posters for four healthcare projects that are challenging the status quo and innovating in logistics, healing and tech leverage around Europe. Read on for the run down on the winning initiatives. Logistics, Innovation and Technology The challenge for the EOC group was multi-faceted; operating...

  • Innovative Healthcare Strategies

    Summary: The 28th Congress of the European Association for Hospital Managers took place on 11 - 14 September 2019, where themes combined innovation and healthcare strategies, focusing on what this means for hospital management. Speaking during the Official Inauguration, Pedro Facon gave insights into what he thinks innovative healthcare means to...

  • Advancing Health Through Science and Technology Innovation

    Over the past century, thanks in large part to advances in science, technology and medicine, the average human life expectancy has more than doubled. The pharmaceutical industry has played an important role in these advances by translating basic scientific insights into tangible solutions, and thus has delivered significant value to society in the...

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