• Paediatrics

    It is never easy when children are in the hospital. And it is even more stressful when they're in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). When a child is admitted to the PICU, it means that they require the highest level of medical care. Children in the PICU present with different symptoms and conditions - from serious infections to heart conditions;...

  • Quality improvement in the PICU – a primer for intensivists

    Quality improvement provides tools that help the transformation of an intensive care unit into a highly reliable and safe environment, that nurtures continuous learning and delivery of high-quality care that improves patient experience and outcomes.   Despite advances in healthcare and dramatic improvements in survival across the spectrum of...

  • PICU-acquired complications: the new marker of the quality of care

    This article describes the rise in PICU-acquired morbidities and its impact on patient outcomes. It discusses early rehabilitation strategies to improve patient outcomes in PICU.  Introduction Critical care has traditionally been focused on early recognition of life-threatening conditions, resuscitation, and stabilisation of organ...

  • Virtual reality experience in the PICU

    A pilot study at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago An overview of the virtual reality programme at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and its potential benefits on patient outcomes. Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago has introduced virtual reality into their paediatric intensive...

  • European guidelines on the management of traumatic induced bleeding

    Interview with Rolf Rossaint, Prof. of Anaesthesiology, RWTH University Aachen, Germany. Rolf Rossaint is a Professor and Chairman of the Department of Anaesthesiology of the University Hospital at the RWTH University Aachen, Germany. Prof. Rossaint has published several high-quality studies dealing with the treatment of severe acute respiratory...

  • Use of sedation and controlled paralysis in ICU patients with ARDS

    According to a National Institutes of Health sponsored clinical trial that was conducted at several North American hospitals and was led by clinician-scientists at the University of Pittsburgh and University of Colorado schools of medicine, reversibly paralysing and sedating hospitalised patients with severe breathing problems does not prove improve...

  • New recommendations for stroke systems of care - American Stroke Association policy statement

    Approximately 7.2 million Americans 20 years or older have had a stroke. Nearly 800,000 people in the U.S. have a new or recurrent stroke each year. A stroke occurs every 40 seconds in the U.S., and someone dies of a stroke every four minutes.   According to a policy statement published by the American Stroke Association, and published in the journal...

  • Cocoon bed aims to lower ICU delirium

    The intensive care unit environment can be extremely stressful, even if they provide some of the best care in the world. It is believed that a patient in the ICU has their sleep interrupted approximately every three minutes either through noise, lights, or medical intervention. Up to 80% of patients in the ICU suffer from some form of delirium, and...

  • Big Data and hidden subtypes of sepsis

    Results of a study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine suggests that sepsis is not one condition, but many conditions that could benefit from different treatments. The findings are published in JAMA and were presented at the American Thoracic Society's Annual Meeting.   Sepsis is the number one killer of hospitalised patients...

  • Use of opioids in the ICU not linked to continued prescriptions

    According to a new study, opioids prescribed in the intensive care unit (ICU) do not drive risks for continued use or prescriptions. The findings were presented at the American Thoracic Society (ATS) 2019 International Meeting in Dallas, TX.   Opiate abuse is a major healthcare issue. In the U.S., opioid-related deaths have increased more than three-fold...

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