• The business of research

    What is the value of physicians and their contribution to the healthcare system and economic growth? This article talks about the need to understand the real value of physicians and to encourage them to be creative and innovative as this would improve their value beyond that of daily clinical labour.   Disruptive innovations  are critical...

  • The role of the Physician Assistant in critical care

    Physician Assistants play a leading role in the safe, efficient, value-based delivery of healthcare for the critically ill patient.   Since inception in the mid-1960s, the Physician Asssitant (PA) profession has grown to become an integral part of healthcare delivery. As the name implies, PAs were historically seen as assistants to the physician,...

  • The need to humanise the ICU

    Susan East, a patient speaker at the ATS 2017 International Conference in Washington D.C. and a three times ARDS survivor shares her experience about her stay in the ICU.   I am Susan East, a three times ARDS survivor.   July 3, 2008, I had ARDS! I went to my primary physician on June 30, 2008 with symptoms of a sinus infection. He diagnosed...

  • Noninvasive technologies for personalised haemodynamic monitoring

    Advanced haemodynamic monitoring methods   Bernd Saugel, MD, EDIC is a Professor of Anesthesiology and works as a consultant in the Department of Anesthesiology, Center of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany. Prof. Saugel is a specialist in anaesthesiology, intensive care medicine,...

  • Highlights from the I-I-I Blog

    (I expert, I question, I answer)  Have you got something to say? Visit  https://healthmanagement.org/c/icu/list/blog  or contact  [email protected] Stacey Brown Critical Care Nurse, Canada  @simplicity4jc From code cart to comfort cart in the ICU “When the time has come where having the code cart with the...

  • How to manage sedation analgesia for patient-centred care in the ICU

    Managing sedation analgesia for patient-centred care in the ICU   Pain management and sedation are closely linked in the intensive care unit. In the past, clinicians were using sedative agents too liberally, often with benzodiazepines. And several issues were observed in the ICU, including the problems of delirium, weakness and prolonged ICU...

  • Pain management through multimodal analgesia in the ICU

    Overview and focus on regional anaesthesia   Opioid dependency is a serious problem in the ICU. Opioids are effective at providing pain relief because they reduce the perception of the pain signal. At the same time, opioids are associated with respiratory depression, cough suppression, confusion, and drowsiness. In addition, there is a risk...

  • Concluding remarks

    Reducing sedation and managing and treating pain are important objectives for clinicians. The primary goal should always be to promote the comfort of the patient and to minimise pain through the proper use of multimodal analgesia. The use of opioid drugs should be avoided unless absolutely necessary; and focus should be placed on achieving pain control...

  • Sleep index, wakefulness can predict patient ability to breathe on their own

    According to new research, critically ill patients can be more successfully weaned from a mechanical ventilator if they have higher levels of wakefulness and if both their right and left brains experience the same depth of sleep. The article titled "Sleep and Pathological Wakefulness at Time of Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation" is published in...

  • Acute pain estimation, postoperative pain resolution, opioid cessation, and recovery

    Acute postoperative pain is associated with persistent postsurgical pain (PPSP). The incidence of PPSP ranges from 10 to 50% while severe, chronic pain after surgery is reported by 2 to 10% of patients. Both the severity and duration of postoperative pain are influenced by other factors including pre-existing pain.   A secondary analysis of the...

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