• The AI-powered radiologist

    Imaging acquisition advances & big data envision a bright future for diagnostic imaging, which should continue to be led by the AI-powered radiologist.   Technical advances in imaging acquisition and big data envision a bright future for diagnostic imaging. Radiologists working as data scientists can play a central role in precision medicine,...

  • Clinical ultrasound in the age of artificial intelligence

    The foremost expert in critical care ultrasound on the value of natural vs artificial intelligence in medicine.   Ultrasound is a tool like no other in medicine. Most importantly, because it is a work of the hand and the eye, combining the art of reasoning, common sense (that is, intelligence), it provides a unique opportunity for the physician...

  • AI applications in breast imaging

    Review of some state-of-the-art applications of artificial intelligence on mammography and MRI.   Computer aided imaging is not novel, having been around for 50 years. Developments have boosted the accuracy of computer-based analysis and breast imaging is at the forefront, as large databases are available, and radiologists tasks on images are...

  • Artificial Hype Infographic

      Next Article:  Value-based healthcare and the doctor-patient relationship

  • The “One Stick Standard” for vascular access

    The role of ultrasound guidance in achieving a new safety goal   US visualisation: one-stick standard and how the practice can significantly reduce- or even eliminate- dangerous complications.   Obtaining vascular access is one of the most common procedures performed in U.S. hospitals, with more than 5 million central venous catheterisations...

  • The role of social media in cardiology

    Social Media is gaining significant popularity amongst the medical and allied health professionals. It enables a platform where dissemination of research can materialise very quickly, at no cost, for the benefit of colleagues and patients across the world.   Social media (#SoMe) can now be considered one of the most important methods...

  • AI is the new reality: the 4th healthcare revolution in medicine

    AI: Hype? Rather, augmented intelligence is the fourth healthcare revolution in medicine and will lead to improved patient care.   The future is bright, if we continue to develop creative solutions to improve patient care, in collaboration with deep learning algorithms, then we’ll again have succeeded in advancing medicine into a new healthcare...

  • Unleashing the full potential of AI

    The digital revolution has changed every aspect of our lives – from the way we communicate to the way we live and interact. We are slowly moving towards this transformation in healthcare, where big data, predictive analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can do for healthcare what it has done for other industries. We have already started to...

  • How do you serve more patients without adding staff or beds? Here’s one hospital’s answer

    UK hospital announces first-of-its-kind hospital Command Center in Europe to improve efficiency and patient care   Every day, up to 400 people come through the Emergency Department (ED) doors at Bradford Royal Infirmary (BRI) in Northern England. The hospital serves 500,000 people who live in Bradford and communities across Yorkshire, one...

  • AI opportunities for healthcare must not be wasted

    The reality about the potential and limitations of AI   One of the world’s leading authorities on the ethics of Artificial Intelligence provides an overview on how the technology could impact healthcare and warns of opportunities not to be missed.   I am reasonably optimistic about the opportunities that Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents....

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