Viewing software / orthopedic surgery TigerView

Viewing software / orthopedic surgery TigerView

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Orthopedic Digital X-ray Solutions Orthopedic Digital X-ray Tiger DR-C is a 17 x 17 inch cassette sized panel that is simple to install and does not require modification to your existing x-ray system. A market leading retrofit orthopedic digital x-ray solution. What does a cassette sized panel mean? The panel fits into the existing bucky tray of your table and upright cabinet without modification. What does a 17 x 17 inch panel mean? You will not need to rotate the panel for anatomical positioning. What does it mean that no modification is required to the existing x-ray system? The Tiger DR-C is a simple DR retrofit solution. There is no generator connection. There is no calibration set-up. What is important to know about the Tiger DR-C retrofit solution? The workflow for taking an image does not change. The x-ray equipment does not change. The process becomes more efficient. Technicians adapt quickly.
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