Diagnostic software / viewing / medical / medical imaging TigerView CHIROPRATIC TigerView

Diagnostic software / viewing / medical / medical imaging TigerView CHIROPRATIC TigerView

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Solutions for Chiropractors Good quality images are essential to providing your patients proper chiropractic care. Televere Systems offers several CR (Computed Radiography) and DR (Digital Radiography) imaging solutions for the chiropractic market. All our chiropractic digital x-ray imaging products are operated with TigerView software, a complete workflow solution that will Acquire, Store, View and Share images across your network. What Matters to You Because chiropractic medicine focuses on disorders of the musculo-skeletal and nervous system, TigerView software has been developed to better enhance image viewing for the diagnosis of back, neck and joint pains. TigerViews Workflow TigerView for chiropractors can display advanced diagnostic tools and measurements with magnification and zooming tools, colorized density, image negation and sharpening tools. Our newest select/edit, line measurement, area measurement, angle measurement, Illium analysis, measurement tools include Jacksons angle, baselines, L/R Cervical ARC, L/R Thoracic Arc, L/R lumbar Arc, Cobbs angle, Georges line simulation, mid-line and center point, vertical offset, horizontal offset, spine labeling, mark spots, center points, stitching simulation with blending and cropping.
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