Diagnostic software / control / training / medical imaging NDT TigerView

Diagnostic software / control / training / medical imaging NDT TigerView

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igerView NDT Digital X-ray- Make the move to digital. NDT Digital X-rayTo complement your digital system, you will need imaging software to view and store images. TigerView’s proprietary adaptive image processing routine ensures the best image quality. Window leveling NDT measurements allow complete control of image display. Diagnostic Quality - Display crystal clear images. NDT digital x-rays provide high-resolution images from your digital system. Unparalleled diagnostic quality. Incomparable Ease of Use - Minimal training required. TigerView automatically optimizes for excellent image quality, and digitally displays each image as it is acquired. TigerView manipulations allow for rotation, magnification and NDT measurements of images with simple tools. Multi-Room Image Display - Fast access. TigerView networking allows digital images to be displayed and viewed in multiple areas that are equipped with PC’s immediately after they have been scanned. Optional TigerView Modules - Accommodates other image sources.
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