Videonystagmoscope vestibular disorder testing system DI 140919 DIFRA

Videonystagmoscope vestibular disorder testing system DI 140919 DIFRA
DI 140919

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DI 140919 has a video and audio which can recorded into a single computer file by the videoscoop software. This Video Frenzel USB is a new way for observing eye movement. VideoScoop permit for observation and video recording of one eye on a computer monitor during the testing of a dizzy patient or while performing vestibular rehabilitation therapy. VideoScoop Monocular is configured with the monocular camera and goggles and, in option, a room camera with a microphone. A broad format LCD TV can be configured as the display monitor for viewing the eyes crosswise the room while at the patient's side. A 4 button RF remote control permit the operator to start and stop recording; to go to the next or previous test. VideoScoop is leading to be compatible with a laptop or tower PC with Windows XP or Windows.