Treatment patient simulator / whole body / with vital signs monitor HAL® S3201 Gaumard

Treatment patient simulator / whole body / with vital signs monitor HAL® S3201 Gaumard
HAL® S3201

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International standard has been set by Hal® 3201 medical simulation. Power supply, compressor and communications are inside the device, owing to tetherless technology. This leads to eradication of compressors, wires and external tubes. While the working environment supports training, the device features an uninterrupted functioning at the time of transportation. The HAL® is provides service from the accident spot to the ICU via the ER. Care providers apply real resuscitation and monitoring instrument in diagnosis of the condition of the patient. The device can be controlled at a distance measuring 300 meters, besides at floors and rooms of traditional buildings. The equipment accounts for effortless transition among the physiologic states, responding to orders from wireless PC.
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14700 S.W. 136 Street,
Miami, FL
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