Treatment patient simulator / whole body HAL® S3101 Gaumard

Treatment patient simulator / whole body HAL® S3101 Gaumard
HAL® S3101

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The HAL® S3101. With its Tetherless technology allows the communications, compressor, and power supply to be placed internally, eliminating external tubes, wires, and compressors.Operates continuously during transport and training that occurs in a real working environment. Rush HAL® from the accident scene to the ER, to the ICU, while care providers diagnose and treat his condition using real monitoring and resuscitation equipment.Can be controlled at distances up to 300 meters and between rooms and floors of conventional buildings.Smooth transitions between physiologic states in response to commands from a wireless PC.Easy to use with preprogrammed scenarios that can be modified easily.
14700 S.W. 136 Street,
Miami, FL
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