Nurse care patient simulator / female / whole body / with vital signs monitor SUSIE®S1001 Gaumard

Nurse care patient simulator / female / whole body / with vital signs monitor SUSIE®S1001 Gaumard

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When it comes to nursing care simulation and pre-hospital work testing, few can outperform GAUMARD's SUSIE®S1001. Designed specifically for simulations of nursing and hospital care, the SUSIE®S1001 features top-of-the-line technical specifications. Some of these specs include a user-friendly software interface complete with nearly a dozen preset medical conditions, a 15" laptop computer to modify, adjust, and control any and every scenario to the preferred and desired choice, and an instructor module. Use all these features to simulate each and every possible medical situation possible in order to fully equip and prepare medical staff members.
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14700 S.W. 136 Street,
Miami, FL
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