Emergency care patient simulator / adult / whole body Code Blue® III Gaumard

Emergency care patient simulator / adult / whole body Code Blue® III Gaumard
Code Blue® III

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Code Blue® III ALS System with New CPR standards comes with oral and nasal intubation on a realistic airway with tongue, vocal cords, trachea and esophagus, uses an ET tube or LMA oral intubation plus suctioning. Sensors identify depth of intubation. It comes with right main stem intubation. Besides having visible gastric inflation with esophageal intubation, color responds to hypoxic events and interventions. It accommodates assisted ventilation. Apart from having bilateral lung expansion with realistic chest rise during ventilation, it comes with gastric distension with excessive BVM. Chest compressions can be measured and logged. Conductive skin areas allow ECG monitoring with real equipment. It offers air-powered bilateral carotid, bilateral femoral, plus left brachial, radial, popliteal and pedal pulse sites and blood pressure auscultation in left arm. Korotkoff sounds are audible between systolic and diastolic pressures. It offers oxygen saturation placement detection on the left index finger using real Osat monitor. Lung Drain spontaneous breathing lung sounds heart sounds, defibrillate and pace are done using real devices.
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14700 S.W. 136 Street,
Miami, FL
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