Pressure monitoring catheter / rectal Mediplus

Pressure monitoring catheter / rectal Mediplus

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These Urodynamic Catheters feature a single lumen design and are a cost effective solution for rectal pressures. They deliver consistent accuracy of pressure peritoneal measures and deliver an excellent end user experience. This lineup allows you to choose between 4.5 charriere catheters combines with PVC flap valve, silicone, latex or PVC balloons. The tip of the flap catheter is either dominated by a vented balloon or flap valve, which makes it easy for the air to be pump out via the catheter lumen during the filling phase. These single lumen rectal catheters greatly reduce costs and provide increased comfort and are available in both non-sterile and sterile versions.
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405-406 R. G. Trade Tower Netaji Subhash Place, Pitam Pura,
110 034 Delhi
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