Infusion connector straight / T Mediplus

Infusion connector straight / T Mediplus

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Peripheral IV Connectors can be utilized for all theater settings and is especially useful in obstetrics, ICU, HDU and orthopaedics. This type of product is facilitate the delivery of fluids during labour, obstetric anaesthetists from Coventry leading a triple connector, now rightly known as the Coventry Valve. The solid design of these products virus patient comfort, makes them easy to affix and unlikely to dislodge. The Chalfont obstetric IV peripheral connector set is a Y connector leading to facilitate this procedure. This will prevent free flow, eliminating the possibility of foetal distress. The safest way to administrate this is to use a syringe pump connected to a peripheral approach secured by an anti siphon valve. Routine induced labour requires the delivery of Syntocinon. The three Port triple connector, which has the like configuration as the Coventry Valve, has the joined benefit of being non PVC.
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405-406 R. G. Trade Tower Netaji Subhash Place, Pitam Pura,
110 034 Delhi
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