Drainage catheter / suprapubic / balloon Mediplus

Drainage catheter / suprapubic / balloon Mediplus

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Often used in urology procedures to address decompression of the bladder in patients experiencing obstruction of the outlet. SPC or suprapubic catheterisation is common procedure used to address these used, but can be uncomfortable or unsuccessful considering the enlarged urethral or prostrate structure. This procedure although deemed safe in most cases does pose a minimal amount of risk especially in individuals with a contracted bladder. It also poses a hindrance in patients suffering from neurological diseases such as spina bifda and multiple sclerosis. This innovative insertion kit brought to you by Mediplus Ltd and the BioMed Centre uses the Seldinger technique to render a safe procedure.
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405-406 R. G. Trade Tower Netaji Subhash Place, Pitam Pura,
110 034 Delhi
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