Portable oxygen concentrator 1 - 6 L/mn | iGo® DeVilbiss Healthcare

Portable oxygen concentrator 1 - 6 L/mn | iGo® DeVilbiss Healthcare
1 - 6 L/mn | iGo®

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The iGo Oxygen System is a portable solution for maintaining an active lifestyle. It’s a lightweight device (3 liter) and features two operation modes: PulseDose delivery and continuous flow. The safety and reliability of the PulseDose oxygen delivery have been clinically tested and proven to be effective. Additional tests have been conducted by independent respiratory therapists and physicians. The device comes with an AC power adapter, battery, DC power adapter, and mains lead. To add to its portability, it can be transported with a wheeled carry case. Features such as service alerts and the DeVilbiss Oxygen Sensing Device allow for peace of mind that the iGo is working exactly as what is required.
Kamenzer Str. 3,
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