CPAP mask / facial / silicone EasyFit® DeVilbiss Healthcare

CPAP mask / facial / silicone EasyFit® DeVilbiss Healthcare

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The EasyFit Full Face Mask was designed after analyzing the facial profiles of 50,000 patients. This was used to find consistencies in these profiles to find the right kind of shape to use for this particular mask. This is made with a sturdy cushion that is easy to manage and uses a lightweight body that is sensible and strong. This uses a seal that is comfortable and easy to control while a ball-and-socket joint is used on the tubing connector to make it easy to move around. This is ideal for active sleepers because it can shift with ease and adjust to a person's positions. This uses an exhalation vent that is quiet and works with a good air parallel to the face. The forehead apparatus can also link to the patient and keep the device comfortable.
Kamenzer Str. 3,
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