Pneumatic nebulizer / with compressor 8 L/mn | PulmoMate® DeVilbiss Healthcare

Pneumatic nebulizer / with compressor 8 L/mn | PulmoMate® DeVilbiss Healthcare
8 L/mn | PulmoMate®

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The DeVilbiss PulmoMate works by using a sensible combination of value and control. This is made with a slim body and works with simple transportation needs. This works with an updated compressor and motor to make it strong and easy to manage. This is made with a compressor pressure level of 32 psi or greater. This is made with an 8 lpm air flow rate and has a metal motor. This is useful for handling tubes and comes with a five-year limited warranty and even an instructional DVD.
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Kamenzer Str. 3,
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