Pneumatic nebulizer / Venturi 151 DeVilbiss Healthcare

Pneumatic nebulizer / Venturi 151 DeVilbiss Healthcare

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This atomizer has a 1.4 ounce capacity and produces a mist that is helpful for throat and nose treatments, as well as wound cleansing and decubitus ulcer care. It’s a venturi or vacuum atomizer that offers precise application and control of topical anesthetics. Its design makes it ideal for use in aqueous solutions. The operation modes include a No. 1 hand bulb, compressed air, the No. 630, or 648 cut-off assembly. A small tube allows for safe nasal passage insertion. Easy sterilization is provided by a removable spray tube. The top part of the atomizer has an all metal construction.
Kamenzer Str. 3,
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