Oxygen concentrator / on casters 5 L | E1390 DeVilbiss Healthcare

Oxygen concentrator / on casters 5 L | E1390 DeVilbiss Healthcare
5 L | E1390

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The newest model of oxygen concentrators offered by the DeVilbiss family features a minimalist design that makes it less obtrusive in a patient’s home. While the design itself is new, the 5 Liter Compact Concentrator incorporates numerous field-proven internal components found in older, popular DeVilbiss models. Some of these components come from the 303 or 515A concentrators, which are designed to facilitate repair and maintenance. As a result, this new model provides unmatched performance, ease of use and patient safety. The top and side handles are conveniently located for easy transport. A recessed humidifier nook helps to prevent damage. Additional features include a two-piece cabinet that can be assembled and disassembled, lockable flow meter, protected cannula fitting, and pediatric flow meter. The exclusive Exclusive DeVilbiss Oxygen Sensing Device (OSD) comes standard on every unit.
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