Histological biopsy needle / automatic MRI Biopsy Handy Somatex Medical Technologies

Histological biopsy needle / automatic MRI Biopsy Handy Somatex Medical Technologies
MRI Biopsy Handy

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The SOMATEX® MRI Biopsy Handy is a lightweight device that combines high-quality alloy and material to get best results when obtaining histologically usable tissue. The device is compatible with the MRI and with it can be used to locate the areas that have been highlighted for specimen notch. The exterior cannula facilitates the process of removing the tissue gathered when the device is inserted because of the fact forward movements that are made to make this possible. The tissue gathered by the SOMATEX® MRI Biopsy Handy can come from soft tissues and organs. The alloys use guarantees a sable device that is high in strength and accurate in performance. The SOMATEX® MRI Biopsy Handy can easily be handled with one hand and it is optionally available with coaxial sheath. The stylet and cannula tip all guarantee a short cut.
a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:12:"Application:";s:3:"val";s:19:"histological biopsy";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:16:"Characteristics:";s:3:"val";s:9:"automatic";}}
Rheinstr. 7d,
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