Bone marrow biopsy needle SAFE-CUT® Somatex Medical Technologies

Bone marrow biopsy needle SAFE-CUT® Somatex Medical Technologies

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The SAFE-CUT® meets the requirements of the pathological analyzability. It can be used for the removal of histological tissue from the region of the iliac crest. This new system also has a unique LOCK WIRE technology that not only guarantees accurate precision but also safety of the specimen in the cannula by 100%. With the SAFE-CUT® puncture system, the specimen is free from squished artefacts and other issues that generally fail to meet many requirements. The SOMATEX SAFE-CUT has been intensely studied in many aspects and the conclusions surrounding the device have been favorable and excellent. The surgeon using the device will not experience undue strain. Additionally, patient trauma is reduced significantly with the device. The study* has been conducted using the device for 60 bone marrow puncture systems for the iliac crest region. This study* was conducted by ArtiMed Medical Consulting at different locations.
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