Breast localization needle Tumark® Professional Somatex Medical Technologies

Breast localization needle Tumark® Professional Somatex Medical Technologies
Tumark® Professional

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The Tumark system allows for precise tissue marking. Included in that system is the Tumark Professional which enables tumors to be marked in a gentle way with minimum invasion before radiation or cytostatic treatment begins. The tissue area concerned can be found reliably and quickly again following successful chemo or radiation therapy. The Tumark Professional has a clever 3D marker design which gives firm anchorage in the tissue and increases visibility in all positions. It offers optimum visibility for mammography, ultrasound and MRI. The marker is MRI compatible up to 3 teslas and is approved as an implantable material. The Tumark Professional has been designed with an ergonomic handle for single-handed operation and the marker is supplied as pre-loaded.
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