Dental micromotor / brushless electric / standard i-XR3, i-XR3L STERN WEBER

Dental micromotor / brushless electric / standard i-XR3, i-XR3L STERN WEBER
i-XR3, i-XR3L

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Extremely compact and weighing the same as the i-XS4, the i-XR3 brushless micromotor is available both with or without lighting LEDs. - i-XR3L. Suitable for conservative and prosthetic dentistry, both of which can be cold-disinfected, provide a maximum torque of 3 Ncm and a speed range from 1,000 to 40,000 rpm. The i-XR3L is provided as standard on the S300, S280TRC and S220TR, optional on S200 (i-XR3 as standard)
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