Cardiac defibrillation lead Linox Smart Biotronik

Cardiac defibrillation lead Linox Smart Biotronik
Linox Smart

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The BIOTRONIK has an unmatched inheritance of therapy solutions of engineering quality. Established by amazing record of patient security, the leading technology has been creating new norms in consistency and innovation. Dual-or-single coil premium ICD lead family has Silglide® surface coating and passive or active fixation, which account for enhance patient security, along with gentle implantation. Decrease in material stress and protection of the myocardium are attributed to Silglide® surface coating of the established 7.8 F silicone lead body. Friction is decreased and gliding behavior is enhanced by 60%. Insulation thickness is optimum for isodiametric lead body diameter. It undertakes consistent operations, even in long-term. Both passive and active fixation methodologies are highly versatile. The implantations are atraumatic and controlled. It characterizes an exclusive technology of BIOTRONIK fractal coating. Besides effective energy-transfer, its post-shock-sensing steroid elution is rapid. Optimum threshold behavior is backed by decreased inflammation at fixation site.
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6024 Jean Rd,
Lake Oswego
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