Cardiac resynchronization lead Corox OTW BP Biotronik

Cardiac resynchronization lead Corox OTW BP Biotronik
Corox OTW BP

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With years of expertise in offering unmatched therapy solutions, BIOTRONIK secret to success is based on understanding the challenges and needs of electrophysiologists and then dileanate the nest suited state of the art solution. This helps deliver reliable results and excellent performance across their complete portfolio of products. Featuring TwinFlex Technology®, the Corox OTW bipolar is a brand new technologically inspired CS that ensures robust performance while reducing complications that are common with similar products in the marketplace. The Corox OTW bipolar embraces a single coil coradial design that bridges the gap for CRT leas implantations. It boasts a slim 5.4 F lead body with enhanced flexibility and three layers of insulation for optimal durability and safety. Showcasing stellar clinical perfomance, the Corox OTW bipolar is available in three different fixation variants to ensure there is a solution for even the most challenging vessels. The Thread fixation caters to small vessels,, while the Helix takes care of medium and the technologically innovative S-shape is designed for both medium and large vessels.
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6024 Jean Rd,
Lake Oswego
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