Balloon catheter Pantera LEO Biotronik

Balloon catheter Pantera LEO Biotronik
Pantera LEO

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This balloon catheter will aid in the process of post dilatation for use with either stents or hard coronary lesions. Designed by Pantera LEO, this product offers a proven design and technology that meets and even exceeds industry standards. Although strong and durable, its short balloon shoulders ensures better accuracy as well as limited balloon growth thus minimizing the risk of trauma. Non-compliant, this balloon catheter offers a High Nominal of NP: 14 atm and Rated Burst Pressures of RBP: 20 atm*. This along with various other features ensures this product will perform accurately in needed situations. *18 atm for 0 - 4.5/5.0mm
6024 Jean Rd,
Lake Oswego
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