Automatic biochemistry analyzer / random access 600 tests/h | XL 600 erba diagnostics Mannheim

Automatic biochemistry analyzer / random access 600 tests/h | XL 600 erba diagnostics Mannheim
600 tests/h | XL 600

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The Erba Mannheim company, known for their superior products brings Erba XL 600 that is a random access, fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer having throughput of 600 tests per hour with I.S.E (Na/K/Cl). The cost saving analyzer has been designed to give individuals fast return without any compromise. The diffraction grating of high resolution ensures photometric accuracy of very high degree. Sample identification and bar coded reagents reduce the programming time. The Sapphire pump provides improved accuracy and precision. The cooled reagent tray can bear up to 50 bar coded bottles. The Erba XL 600 comes with a set of attractive useful features like low D.I water consumption, the uniquely developed Twin layered sample disk, permanent hard glass cuvettes, the probes fitted with the Vertical Obstruction Detection facility, economical 200 µl reagent test or consumption and primary tubes sampling designed with the bar coding. With a capability of performing 2 reagent tests, Erba XL 600 provides varieties of 50 different on board tests.
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Mallaustr. 69-73,
68219 Mannheim
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