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    Text Service Helps Care Coordination

    • IT
    • 27/07/2015

    Athenahealth's new secure text messaging service "athenaText" makes coordination within care teams easier and faster — which contributes to improved patient care. Integrated with athenahealth’s cloud-

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    Generation X and Y Improving Healthcare Management?

    • IT
    • 27/07/2015

    As the baby boomers in healthcare leadership are starting to retire, some experts believe the generational transition in healthcare managers will bring profound changes. The incoming generation's...

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    IT Patient Safety Roadmap Revealed

    • IT
    • 25/07/2015

    The U.S. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has released its Health IT Safety Centre Roadmap, detailing a plan for optimising use of health IT for improved...

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    Mobile Apps Reducing Readmissions

    • IT
    • 20/07/2015

    Healthcare providers are turning to mobile technology to help them with efforts in reducing "preventable readmissions". A number of mobile apps that promote patient wellness and chronic disease manage

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    Skype: Top Use in Chronic Disease Management

    • IT
    • 19/07/2015

    Skype is increasingly being used in telemedicine, with clinicians utilising this popular web-based video tool more commonly to provide healthcare for adults than for children, according to new researc

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    Figure 1: Crowdsourcing for Clinicians

    • IT
    • 17/07/2015

    As its name suggests, Figure 1 is a mobile app for sharing images. Medical professionals can upload photos, x-rays, biopsies and other images of their patients' health conditions or disorders. Figure...

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    EHTEL Says Next Five Years Critical for Mobile Health

    • IT
    • 15/07/2015

    The European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL) has said that the period until 2020 is critical for the development of mobile health. In the newly issued report on its annual ‘Thought Leadership...

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    mHealth Apps in EHTEL Spotlight

    • IT
    • 15/07/2015

    The European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL) put mHealth apps in the spotlight in the newly issued report on its annual ‘Thought Leadership Debate’ held in Riga during eHealth Week in May....

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    Big Data Management: 5 Top Priorities

    • IT
    • 15/07/2015

    HealthManagement.org reports on the developments and potential with Big Data regularly. Whether it is the application of Big Data across the clinical fields of healthcare or how to utilise it for...

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    Telehealth on the Rise

    • IT
    • 14/07/2015

    Most physicians (57 percent) in the United States are open to having video consultations with their patients, according to a nationwide survey conducted by telehealth vendor American Well. Only 12...


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