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    EHR Security in UK in Question

    • IT
    • 19/10/2015

    Most patients in the UK (79 percent) would worry about the security of their health record if this was part of a national electronic health record (EHR) system, according to a new study published...

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    Drug Interaction Alerts Overload?

    • IT
    • 17/10/2015

    Although computerised drug interaction alert systems (DIAS) appear useful for promoting medication safety, having to enter passwords to override alerts may represent an excessive burden for physicians

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    Social Media May Hold Clues to Health Information

    • IT
    • 14/10/2015

    Many patients are willing to share and link their social media data with electronic medical record (EMR) data for research purposes, finds a first-of-its-kind study published in the journal BMJ Quali

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    eHealth on EU Digital Standards Agenda

    • IT
    • 09/10/2015

    The European Commission has launched a public consultation on Standards for the Digital Single Market (DSM). The aim is to gather views on priorities for standards in key technology areas which are...

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    Cloud for Precision Cancer Treatment

    • IT
    • 06/10/2015

    Intel and the Knight Cancer Institute at Oregon Health & Science University have created a prototype collaborative platform to enable cancer precision medicine research across multiple institution

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    ETC Combines With WHINN

    • IT
    • 06/10/2015

    The European Telemedicine Conference (ETC) 2015 takes place in Odense, Denmark later this month with a new development: this year, it is running alongside WHINN – Week of Health and Innovation, combi

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    Demand for Digital Connection

    • IT
    • 06/10/2015

    Americans prefer doctors who are digitally savvy and demand a connected healthcare experience, a new Surescripts survey finds. Sixty-eight percent of the more than 1,000 respondents to the nationwide...

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    Hospital Chaplains and Telemedicine

    • IT
    • 05/10/2015

    Use of telemedicine has expanded to meet the growing spiritual needs of patients, with hospital chaplains now offering spiritual support increasingly through Skype, FaceTime and other high-tech connec

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    Study: mHealth Apps Have Poor Data Privacy Protection

    • IT
    • 02/10/2015

    According to researchers, mobile health applications accredited by the UK National Health Service do not adequately protect the privacy of users' personal health information. The accreditation process

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    Goals of Federal Health IT Strategic Plan

    • IT
    • 26/09/2015

    The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) has finalised its strategy for the next five years. The Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020 aims to promote "effective use of informat


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