• Controversies in Mammographic Screening

    Author Prof. Per Skaane Breast Imaging Centre Department of Radiology, Oslo University Hospital Ullevaal, University of Oslo Oslo, Norway [email protected] Breast cancer screening has proved to be effective in reducing mortality, and many experts consider mammographic screening to be one of the major medical...

  • Responding to U.S. Guidelines Against Routine Screening in the 40 – 49 Age Group

    Author Dr. Jan H. Wong Division of Surgical Oncology,Brody School of Medicine East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina [email protected] Over the last two decades, convincing evidence has emerged that mammographic screening has contributed to a significant reduction in breast cancer mortality. Mammographic screening...

  • ESR Publishes Position Paper on Image Compression

    The European Society of Radiology (ESR) has published a position paper on the "Usability of irreversible image compression in radiological imaging". This paper is the result of a groundbreaking Expert Panel Session, held prior to the Management in Radiology (MIR) Annual Scientific Congress last year in Mallorca. Each year, a select number of experts...

  • Does CAD Provide an Alternative to Double Reading?

    Interviewee Carla Guerriero Research Fellow in Health Economics John Cairns Health Service Research and Policy Department London School of Hygiene and Topical Medicine London, UK Fiona j. Gilbert Maureen GC Gilian Aberdeen, Biomedical Imaging Centre Lilian Sutton Building,University of Aberdeen Aberdeen, UK Mathew G....

  • CARS 2012 to Take Place in Pisa, Italy

      The organisers of the annual CARS congress wish to invite you to attend next year's edition of their meeting, as well as that of their partner societies. Following the long-term successful cooperation with the ISCAS, EuroPACS, CAR, CAD and CMI societies, in 2012 these scientific communities will jointly hold their annual meetings for the first...

  • IHE Connectathon Brings New Domains to Life

      At this year's edition of the European Connectathon a new IHE Domain for pharmacy that enables electronic prescription exchanges in both hospital and community settings was tested for the first time, and the first European testing of the IHE Domain for personal care devices was successfully completed. The development of two new IHE Domains for...

  • CIRSE Launches Caval Filter Retrieval Registry

      Prof. Michael Lee has issued an open invitation as Primary Investigator to members of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE) to commence a registry that will assess the success of caval filter retrieval. Says Lee: "There is a dear th of information in the literature regarding filter retrieval at present. CIRSE...

  • The Evolution of Management in Radiology (MIR)

      The lasting impression this year, left with attendees of the annual Management in Radiology (MIR) scientific meeting, is that both the organisation and the event itself, continue to grow into a highly focused event dedicated to raising awareness of management and healthcare economics topics, not just for radiologists, but for leaders in related domains...

  • Author Guidelines

      Content IMAGING Management welcomes submissions from qualified, experienced professionals active in the imaging industry, related technology companies and medical healthcare professionals with an interest in imaging- related topics and themes. We are particularly interested in articles focusing on management or practice issues and therefore accept...

  • World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB)

    The 13th Congress of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB) is the joint meeting of the 23rd Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) and the 35th joint meeting of the Austrian (ÖGUM), German (DEGUM) and Swiss (SGUM) Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine. Here, IMAGING...

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