• How the Cloud will Revolutionise Sharing Medical Image Data

    As the global healthcare landscape undergoes monumental change, healthcare IT is becoming a primary enabler of collaboration and cost management. Medical imaging, particularly the ability to move imaged data to the cloud, will create an opportunity for integration of existing technology into a new paradigm. Technological advances, such as the move...

  • Is a Zero Capital Expenditure, Managed Service Model the Way Forward?

    With decreasing healthcare reimbursement and increasing economic uncertainty, there is a growing trend for hospitals to opt for a zero capital expenditure, managed service model with the purchase of IT systems in healthcare. As the application of managed service models emerges in the PACS market, it paves the way for cloud technology to finally have...

  • Implementing Lossy Compression

    Canada is implementing a network of large data repositories designed to store all diagnostic imaging studies generated in hospitals and clinics across the country. There will be 18 such storage units covering all provinces, called DI-r (Digital Images Repositories). The goal of this project is to make all imaging studies available to healthcare professionals,...

  • Using Email to Exchange Medical Data

    Introduction The technological revolution that took place in radiology departments across the globe was first made easier by the implementation of viable Radiology Information Systems, followed by Picture Archiving and Communication Systems, while the DICOM standard was introduced in 1985 to help users communicate. By the end of the century, DICOM...

  • The Economics of Interventional Radiology

    Healthcare teams naturally strive to provide patients with the most effective treatments, resulting in the best possible clinical outcomes. There are however, inevitable budgetary limits to which treatments and procedures can be made available. The economic impact of clinical decisions should therefore always be considered, especially as new technologies...

  • Hot Topics

    This edition's Hot Topics series looks to Sweden to find out what is going on in the field of research into the justification of contrast media in high-risk patients. Having studied with the inventor of non-ionic contrast media, Prof. Torsten Almén, who later collaborated with GE Healthcare, as well as Profs. Sundgren and Leander are carrying on this...

  • EU’S MEDRAPET Project to Hold 2012 Workshop: Places Limited

    As previously reported in this journal (News: Vol. 11, Iss. 2), the European Commission recently launched the MEDRAPET (MEDical- RAdiation Protection Education and Training) project to assess the implementation of the Medical Exposure Directive provisions related to radiation protection education and training of medical professionals in the EU Member...

  • Joint Commission Publishes Radiation Safety Recommendations

    The Joint Commission has published a report that delivers information to healthcare providers regarding the provision of radiationinvolved imaging services, cautioning against high dosages, which increase the risk for longterm damage. The repor t states that "Over the past two decades, the U.S. population's total exposure to ionising radiation has...

  • Voting in CAD for Mammography

    Author Yuri Prizemin Computer-aided detection (CAD) uses software and computers to bring suspicious areas on a mammogram to the radiologist's attention. According to the American Cancer Society, early research suggests that CAD systems help radiologists diagnose more early-stage cancers than mammograms alone. But some doctors disagree...

  • Luxembourg Edition: Professional Challenges for Radiology

    Author Dr . Remy Demuth President Societe Lexumbourgeoise de Radiologie, Lexumbourg [email protected] IMAGING Management spoke to President of the luxembourg Society of Radiology, Dr. Rémy Demuth, about his take on the professional challenges experienced by radiologists in luxembourg. Though professionally based in luxembourg...

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