• Connectathon Fast Approaching

    With 450 million people covered by healthcare systems in 27 countries, Europe presents unique challenges for Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE). IHE-Europe creates a common ground and a shared goal of achieving a seamless flow of patient information. The deadline for registering for the IHE Connectathon to take place in Pisa, Italy, is...

  • Communication, Consent and Patient Safety

    In theory, good medical practice implies knowledge of the doses and long-term risks of radiological and nuclear medicine testing, since awareness of risk is essential for tailoring the risk-benefit balance in ascertaining test appropriateness. In practice, extensive recent data show substantial unawareness of radiological doses and risks - not only...

  • Radiation Safety and the International Radiologist

    Developments in the applications for minimally invasive interventional procedures carry a parallel increase in the use of fluoroscopy and CT, both of which are associated with potentially excessive radiation exposure to patients and personnel. Interventional radiologists (IRs) use image guidance in each and every intervention. Most of the image guidance...

  • Family Doctors as Gatekeepers to Medical Imaging

    In recent years, Canadian governments have invested significantly to improve access to MRI and CT scans. As a result, both the number of scanners and number of exams performed in Canada have increased exponentially. The Health Council of Canada's recent report Decisions, Decisions: Family Doctors as Gatekeepers to Prescription Drugs and Diagnostic...

  • Image Guided Surgery

    Introduction Recent advances in image guided surgery (IGS) are changing the manner in which surgeons are able to execute difficult procedures, most specifically the minimal invasive ones. By building detailed, patient-specific models of anatomy, and augmenting those models with other pertinent information, such as functional properties, the surgeon...

  • Dialectics and Leadership

    A cornerstone of leadership is the mastery of techniques for convincing people to pursue your vision. Sometimes, provided you imbue those who report to you with a sense of urgency and shared passion, your ministrations will be enthusiastically supported. But most of the time such unanimity of purpose is lacking. Some of those you direct will actively...

  • The Importance of Leadership

    Leaders are those who do the right thing and managers are those who do things right, according to Warren Bennis, widely known as the progenitor of modern leadership concepts. Do we live and act like we know the difference between a leader and a manager? In everyday activities when urgent matters and routines dominate the agenda, most of us try to do...

  • Clinical Care the Key to Interventional Radiology's Furture

    Interventional radiology has evolved into an indispensible branch of modern medicine, offering a growing number of minimally invasive procedures in a broad range of therapeutic areas. This reach has been the discipline's strength as well as its Achilles heel; with no specific disease state, organ system, or patient group to exclusively call its own,...

  • Benefits of PET-CT Versus Other Diagnostic Methods

    PET/CT is an established clinical tool that is particularly valuable for cancer-related diagnosis, including both initial diagnosis and follow-up examinations. There are other procedures, like CT/MRT, bone scan, or mediastinoscopy, all of which are also costly. Given the fact that PET/CT is widely used anyway, the question arises whether it is medically...

  • A Primer on Radiation Safety

    Dear reader, In a recent issue, this journal addressed the reasons why radiologists could benefit from improved patient-radiologist communication, one of the main forces behind this being the drive to ensure greater patient information about the risks of medical imaging exams. As a follow-up to this, the cover story in this edition addresses the...

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