
IMAGING Management welcomes submissions from qualified, experienced professionals active in the imaging industry, related technology companies and medical healthcare professionals with an interest in imaging- related topics and themes. We are particularly interested in articles focusing on management or practice issues and therefore accept scientific papers with a clear connection to these areas. Articles must be written by independent authorities, and any sponsors for research named. Our editorial policy means that articles must present an unbiased view, and avoid 'promotional' or biased content from manufacturers.

Submission Guidelines
Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made by the editor, authorised by the submitting author. The text should be provided as a word document via e-mail to editorial@imagingmanagement. org. Please provide a contact e-mail address for correspondence. Following review, a revised version, which includes editor's comments, is returned to the author for authorisation. Articles may be a maximum 700 words per published page, but may include up to 1,500 words in total.

Article texts must contain:

  • Names of authors with abbreviations for the highest academic degree;
  • Affiliation: department and institution, city and country;
  • Lead authors are requested to supply a portrait photo (see specifications below);
  • One contact name for correspondence and an e-mail address which may be published with the article;
  • Acknowledgements of any connections with a company or financial sponsor;
  • Authors are encouraged to include checklists, tables and/or guidelines, which summarise findings or recommendations, and
  • References or sources, if appropriate, as specified below.
Main authors are invited to supply a portrait photo for publication with their article, as well as other images and visuals. This and any other relevant images for publication with an article should be sent by e-mail as separate files (only high resolution images with 300dpi) and their order of placement in the article must be clearly indicated. Only the electronic formats _.tif_ or _.jpeg_ can be used for images, i.e. not Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. Images must be no smaller than 9cm x 9cm at 100% scale. Only images meeting these specifications can be published. If an image has been published before, permission to reproduce the material must be obtained by the author from the copyright holder and the original source acknowledged in the text, e.g. © 2004 Christian Marolt.
Format for References

Please use the Harvard reference system. Citations within the text for a single author reference should include the author surname and year of publication; for a citation with two authors include both author surnames and year of publication; for more than two authors, include the first author surname followed by "et al." and the year of publication. Multiple citations should be separated by a semicolon, and listed in alphabetical order. Example of within text citation: (Marolt 2008; Marolt and Gleeson 2002; Miller et al. 2003).

The format for listing references in submitted articles should follow the Harvard reference system. Example of standard journal reference: Sydow Campbell, K. (1999) "Collecting information; qualitative research methods for solving workplace problems", Technical communication, 46 (4) 532-544. Readers will be provided with an e-mail contact for references, which will be kept on file and supplied on request. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references they cite.


It is at the discretion of our editorial board to accept or refuse submissions. We will respond to submissions within four weeks of receipt. We reserve the right to revise the article or request the author to edit the contents, and to publish all texts in any MindByte Communications journal or related website, and to list them in online literature databases.

For further details or to request a copy of the 2012 editorial planner, with topics and focus areas included, please email [email protected].

Thank you,

The IMAGING Management Editorial Team