Nine world-class imaging centres from around the UK are joining forces to create an integrated network for standardisation and validation of use of state-of-the-art imaging techniques in cancer treatment.


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The National Cancer Imaging Translational Accelerator (NCITA) has set up an infrastructure for validating and adopting cancer imaging biomarkers as decision-making tools in clinical trials and NHS practice.


The objective of the consortium is, through engagement with NHS Trusts, pharmaceutical companies, medical imaging and nuclear medicine companies and patient groups, to develop an imaging biomarker certification process to improve speed and accuracy of cancer diagnosis, classification of tumours and patient response to treatment.

Also part of this initiative are the Institute of Cancer Research, London, and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. These bodies will provide clinical researchers with open access to leading clinical imaging facilities and expertise. Additionally, they will provide a repository data management service, artificial intelligence (AI) tools and ongoing training opportunities.

The remaining organisations in the consortium are University College London, University of Manchester, University of Oxford, King’s College London, Imperial College London, Cambridge University, Newcastle University and University of Glasgow.


Cancer Research UK will fund the initiative with up to £10 million over five years.


Source: ICR

Image credit: Pixabay

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UK cancer biomarkers consortium A new consortium in the UK aims to improve cancer research and practice standardisation.